Recruitment Outfit Guide

When planning outfits for recruitment, keep in mind the following things:

  • Lubbock is very hot in August. You will be spending a considerable amount of time outside, so dress and plan accordingly.

  • Wear something that you feel comfortable wearing. Our chapters want to see your personality reflected in your outfits, so don’t try to dress to fit a specific stereotype or aesthetic that isn’t true to who you are. Be authentic and BE YOU!

  • The guidelines below are just for inspiration. If you want to wear something that isn’t reflected below, feel free to do so! Again, be YOU!

Period I:

You will visit all 12 of our chapters during Period I. Please wear a Texas Tech t-shirt, whatever bottoms you want, and comfortable shoes. See below for some ideas of what to wear during Period I.

For more Period I outfit inspiration, visit our Pinterest Board by clicking here


Period II:

Period II is when you will learn about our chapters’ various philanthropies! A philanthropy is a charitable organization or cause, and each of our chapters supports a different philanthropy by hosting events to raise money and by volunteering. You may attend a maximum of 9 chapters’ events during this round (a full schedule of 9 events is rare).

Plan to wear something that you might wear to brunch with friends! Sundresses, skirts, nice shorts with a blouse, dress pants, rompers, jumpsuits, etc. are all acceptable to wear during Period II.


For more Period II outfit inspiration, visit our Pinterest Board by clicking here


Period III:

Period III is when you will get to learn about how our chapters celebrate sisterhood! You may attend a maximum of 6 events this round (a full schedule of 6 is rare).

Plan to wear something you might wear to an awards banquet for this round. Dresses, skirts with blouses, dress pants, etc. are all acceptable during this round, but it is recommended that you wear something a little dressier than what you might wear during Period II.


For more Period III outfit inspiration, visit our Pinterest Board by clicking here



Preference round is the most dressy round of recruitment. You may attend a maximum of two chapters’ events this round.

Plan to wear something you might wear to a cocktail-attire event. Dresses of any length, jumpsuits, nice rompers, dress pants with a blouse, etc. are all acceptable for preference. (Note: you do NOT have to wear black for preference round.)


For more Preference outfit inspiration, visit our Pinterest Board by clicking here


Bid Day:

Bid day is the best day of recruitment week because you’ll get to meet all of your new sisters and celebrate! You will be given a t-shirt by your new chapter, so plan to wear a t-shirt or tank top with whatever bottoms and shoes you’d like!


For more Bid Day outfit inspiration, visit our Pinterest Board by clicking here

Other things to bring with you

It is recommended that you bring a backpack or tote bag with you during recruitment week to keep your belongings in. No personal belongings, electronics, or mementos may be brought into chapter lodges during recruitment events, but Rho Gammas supervise all bags to ensure nothing gets taken. Consider bringing the following items with you when preparing for recruitment:

  • Photo ID

  • Comfortable shoes to walk in (especially if you plan to wear heels)

  • Basic first-aid supplies, like band-aids

  • Towel or blanket to sit on on lawns between events

  • Small, portable fan

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Portable charger

  • Makeup or hair products to freshen up between events

  • Deodorant or body spray

  • Sunglasses and sunscreen

  • Snacks

  • Water bottle (this is the MOST important thing to bring with you)

Visit our Pinterest Board for other ideas of things you might consider bringing with you during recruitment by clicking here